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AGUA  WASSER   La Habana  München

An adventure - a very beautiful, exciting and interesting one - an experience!

A joint exhibition of five artists from Havana and Munich at the Centro Provincial de Arte Plàstica y Diseño de la Habana 

and workshops for pupils in San Alejandro, Academia nacional d bellas Artes !


Organized in Havana by Irmi Stark and Nelson Ramos Sandoval, in Munich by Berit Opelt and Liz Walinski.

The group exhibition of German and Cuban artists will run from February 16 to March 14, 2024.  In addition to the four-week exhibition, five practical workshops enabled and deepened intercultural encounters and artistic exchange between people from both countries.


The theme “AGUA WATER” was chosen as a common, unifying element for the exhibition. The participating artists created thematically related works in their own specific style. Berit Opelt's focus in this project is on a mixture of drawing and photography, while Liz Walinski creates her works in an experimental way using cyanotype. Nelson Ramos Sandoval creates paintings with a cultural background and sculptures with found objects from the sea. Carlos Rafael Acosta Avilés is a painter with a great fondness for the sea and Tomás Nuñez creates sculptures from materials such as bronze and concrete based on found objects from the sea that do not actually belong there.


The artists from Germany were invited by the management of the “Centro Provincial de Arte Plastica y Diseño de Habana” to realize the exhibition there in the three exhibition rooms. The “Centro Provincial de Arte Plastica y Diseño de Habana” is dedicated to the study and dissemination of contemporary art and fosters exchange with various countries.


With this project, the artists would like to initiate an intercultural exchange between artists from Munich and Havana and promote understanding for the other culture.


The sponsors and supporters: 

Centro Provincial 2024-01-22 at 13.52.24.jpeg
Visits to the studio by appointment are welcome        Steffelhofstrasse 13a  I  81829 München
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Copyright by BERIT OPELT
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